A study on the relationship between Emotional Intelligence, Organizational Culture and Impression Management


  • Dr. R.G. Priyaadharshini Assistant Professor, Amrita School of Business, Ettimadai, Coimbatore
  • C Sandhya Rani Research Scholar, Lecturer, SNT Global Academy of Management Studies and Technology, Coimbatore – 641 105.


Impression Management is a process by which people in social situations manage the settings and their dress, words and gestures to correspond to the impressions they are trying to make or the image they are trying to project. A person’s ability to manage impressions will be affected by the very setting in which he is doing so. It can be affected by qualities or characteristics of the person such as gender, age, emotional intelligence etc. This research intends to investigate the effects of environmental factors like Organizational Culture and personality factors like Emotional intelligence on Impression Management on organizational settings. The measures of impression management are Self Presentation, Self Monitoring, Desirable Responding and Ingratiation.

Incorporating Impression Management in today’s research and practice is beginning to yield a better understanding of how organizational processes are substantially affected by individual issues of how they are seen by others. Especially in service industries, the effect of outcome of  interactions of the employees with the clients is an inevitable part of portraying their identity.

Most of the actions in the service industry having a legal importance, it is highly essential that controlled image presentation should not cause any deceptions. Hence, It is essential that the employees should know the tactics of Impression Management and able to flaunt the Impression Management in the best way possible by them.

Emotional Intelligence is the capacity for recognizing our own feelings and those of others, for motivating ourselves, and for managing emotions effectively in ourselves and others. There are two approaches to the measurement of Emotional Intelligence: as a mental ability or as a  personality trait.

Owing to the paucity of research in this area and the growing demands of the service industry for strategies to excel over each other, the researcher seeks to understand the dynamics of Impression Management Techniques in improving the effectiveness of organizations and also how Emotional Intelligence and Organizational Culture affects Impression management.




How to Cite

Priyaadharshini, D. R., & Sandhya Rani, C. (2013). A study on the relationship between Emotional Intelligence, Organizational Culture and Impression Management. Journal of Contemporary Research in Management (JCRM), 5(2). Retrieved from https://jcrm.psgim.ac.in/index.php/jcrm/article/view/106


